Last Thursday was a tough day. I was doing some research on 2 people I hadn't talked to since I wrote my first book Alive at 25. I did some research on both Kathy Waldo, a Northeastern hockey player with CF, who was so strong and so determined. I loved the fact that we had the competitive sports side in common. At the time, both of us were doing pretty well with our CF. Jason Rossow was the other guy. He worked for the Charlotte Hornets before they moved to New Orleans. Thursday I realized that both died - Jason in 2001 and Kathy in 2009. Knowing that I have the same disease that killed them kind of scares me since we were all in about the same condition the last time we spoke more than 10 years ago.
This week I will be attending Rusty's murder trial. I'm there to support my friend Andrea and also to see that the man who killed my friend never is released from prison. My Andrea would be there except that she is a witness and therefore cannot see any of the testimony. I pray that the entire Sneiderman family will be provided with some type of closure when this is over but I'm sure it never gets easier especially with the loss of such an amazing father, son, husband, brother, friend and man.
So yes, I'm a bit down right now. I hasten to use the word depressed because I know that word can bring a panic to those people around me. I'm fine. I'm just dealing with some tough subjects. I think I'm also a bit down because I'm 3/4 of the way through my TOBI aerosol and I'm just exhausted. I'm still doing P90X and continue to stay around 179 pounds which is about 8 pounds less than where I was two months ago. I can really see a difference in how I look and I can feel a difference when I run and work out.
We went to a function at the Georgia Aquarium for the Atlanta Gene Screen which asks people to get screened so that genetic diseases can be prevented in our children (Picture of Andrea and I attached - she looks amazing, huh?). It was a top-notch event and I was proud of my sister and her boutique Raw Denim for taking part in the fashion show. Incidentally, my sister has been chosen to be on the reality show "Most Eligible Atlanta" on Bravo. I believe the series begins in March or April. Good luck Em!
Also at the Gene Screen, I was inspired by the entire Gold family especially Randy Gold who talked about his and his family's dealings with the genetic disease that has severely affected their beautiful daughter Eden. I definitely want to help out in future years.
We celebrated Avery's birthday last week. I can't believe she's already six. Time sure flies. I'm so proud of the little lady that she has become. She also donated canned foods to the Atlanta Food Bank that her friends brought to her birthday party. I can't take credit for that idea. That was Andrea's and it was a great one.
I hope everyone else is well. I don't know that I'll be blogging from the trial so I will talk to everyone on Thursday.
p.s. Please keep Andrea and the entire Sneiderman family in your prayers.
Anjdy, thank you for your blog. I lost a sister to cystic fibrosis when she was only an infant and I think of her every day. God bless you in your struggle. As to this trial and all of the messiness involved with it, remember that "this too shall pass."