So a friend of mine was hanging out at the lake the other day while my wife and her husband were on his boat racing across the lake. She and I had a good talk. We talked about how lucky we were to have met our soul mates and how great life truly was. We have joked at dinner many times. We have been to movies and parties together with our significant others, etc. This woman is a great mother and a great friend.
Andrea Sneiderman was that person who told me how lucky she was, she was referring to her soul mate Rusty Sneiderman, and this relaxing time at the lake was the summer of 2010, just a few months before Rusty was murdered. This same Andrea Sneiderman is being burned at the stake the first 2 days of a trial which is supposed to be about the fact that she lost her soul mate to an evil villain, a murder in which SHE HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH. I have gotten texts and e-mails asking me if I still support her and if I'm ok. This isn't about me so I am ok.
Do I still support my friend? I have one answer: YES!
I believe Andrea and I believe in Andrea. She is a good person. I'm honestly wondering how trusting these "witnesses" are. I wonder why there's been nothing to talk about their pasts. You know why there's been no discussion about their backgrounds? That's because the prosecution and defense have an agenda. They want to paint a picture of a "cheating" wife and an adoring lover. They want to make a movie for "Lifetime." Life isn't TV though. Sometimes it's much simpler. Andrea has no one to defend her up there and that just doesn't seem right. Today she even got thrown out of court for "hugging the witnesses after their testimony." Are you kidding me? I'm here to defend her. Court is now in session. I'm presiding.
Let's look at a few things first.
1. On the news, they had someone analyze Andrea's testimony and they surmised that Andrea is most likely telling the truth. I appreciate the media for doing this type of analysis.
2. The real estate agent is the one that this guy was telling all his "sexual" stuff to? How screwed up is that? She wore her real estate tag on the stand. She mentioned that "referrals" are what she loves. Is this a witness that we can really hedge our bets on? I have no ill will towards her. I'm sure she said what she remembered BUT she was listening to some delusional killer. Who do you believe? A crazy killer or Andrea? Duh!
3. The bartender - she's a bartender and she is expected to remember specific things from more than a few months earlier about two people who she could care less about remembering at the time. That's ridiculous. She can’t remember how many drinks they had but can remember all other details. And she has a receipt to refer back to and she still doesn’t remember. Again, I'm not saying anything bad about the bartender but I find it hard to believe that she can remember something specific like this happening especially when these 2 people mattered to her as much as 2 people mattered to me that drove past me in traffic today.
4. The timeline is completely off in this case. The jurors actually requested to see it again. That should tell you something.
5. She called her boss several minutes after she found out something happened to Rusty. Put yourself in her shoes. Something happens to a family member and you have to leave the office and it is really bad. Of course you call your boss and try him till you reach him.
6. If the defense and prosecution has found every single e-mail between Andrea and Hemy, WHY then do I ask you is there NOT A SINGLE E-MAIL where Andrea shares "romantic" feelings with Hemy. Every single e-mail I've seen that has any romance in it was brought on by Hemy and there has been no "passionate" reciprocating from Andrea.
7. This case is NOT about Andrea Sneiderman. She was not charged nor will she be charged in this case. Andrea is innocent. I defend her and I don't care what anyone says, I always will. I stake my reputation on my friend and will continue to. When the going gets rough, friends stick by their friends.
Andrea has been totally cooperative with the police and look where that has gotten her. Let me tell you briefly about another case somewhat similar to this one. After Leiby Kletzky was murdered in NY, the mother of the murdered child did not speak to the media. When commenting about why she wasn’t speaking out, that mother replied “I already lost one son. It is very important to my family privacy that I shouldn’t lose the rest of my family’s regular life. I just want to continue with regular life to the extent that it is possible given the extent of this horrific and impossible loss. “ Andrea shares this same principle.
She did not have anything to do with the murder of her husband. I repeat: She had nothing to do with the murder of her husband. That is ALL that should matter. All of you saw a stoic faced and some would say "angry" Andrea on the stand. First off, I know Andrea and that face was "defiance." She knows she didn't do this and she also is frustrated that she is being accused of hurting the love of her life. When you're not guilty of something and someone accuses you, wouldn't you be pissed? People say she doesn't play the victim. That's right. That's not her style. She's not going to act up there. She has had her victim moments. Believe me. I have witnessed so many.
What you didn't see, what the cameras have not shown you was that same "defiant" person put her hands to her face and ball for several minutes when they brought out a similar weapon to the one that killed her husband. What the media didn't show you was how devastated she was at Shiva and at the hospital after her husband died. What the media didn't show you was all of the work she has put in to make sure her husband will be remembered - with her help, The Wish for Wendy Softball Challenge has an entire sponsorship program named after her husband. What the media didn't show you was Andrea gleaming with pride when her daughter told me "Thank you for talking about my dad in your book." That person did not commit any crime. That person is not cold and calculated like these attorneys are trying to make her look.
This trial is about Hemy Neuman and this trial is about Rusty Sneiderman. Hemy took Rusty's life and deserves to go to prison forever. That's the bottom line. Hemy Neuman took away a father, a son, a brother, a husband and a friend. Hemy Neuman divided so many people. Hemy Neuman knew right from wrong otherwise he would not have hid from Rusty the first time he stalked him in his yard. Hemy Neuman would not have bought a disguise or attempt to bribe the previous gun owner if he did not know right from wrong. Hemy Neuman needs to rot in prison.
Back to this trial, I'm sick of the vultures who are going to the media like these people with cameras are dead carcasses on the side of the road. I speak of one lawyer in particular who has been trying to sensationalize this case from the beginning. She has been making a small commotion in the courtroom whenever my friend's reputation has been tarnished. She has been looking for the Today Show and Good Morning America like she was in the desert and these two shows were the last two drinks of water on the planet. I've actually seen and heard that this same person has been asking "How did I look on the Today Show?" This woman has had little to nothing to do with this case. She has been admonished several times. I refuse to mention her name on this blog. She knows who she is and most of you know who she is if you've been watching the national news. Heck, if I mention her, she might ask how she looked in my blog. This woman is taking joy in how "she looks" during a trial in which a horrible tragedy took place.
You know who you are and I'm talking to you. Leave my friend alone. Do your job and support your client. Your client has nothing to do with this case anymore and so guess what? Neither do you. I'm begging shows like Today to have some ethics and stop putting her in front of the camera. I've respectfully said "no" to the media as have several of my friends. People like this woman give lawyers a bad name. My dad is an attorney as are many of my friends. I respect what they do. I want my kids to see what a good attorney looks like. I want them to learn about ethics. Ma’am, get off the TV so I can let my kids watch again. Until then, we'll focus on The Disney Channel although truly, you're the one, madam attorney, who looks like GOOFY.
I am done writing. My friend Andrea needs some PR help. I'm doing my part. I ask my friends, her friends, to help give her that. She's a good person. She's a strong woman (not the bitch that the media is making her out to be). This case is about the man who killed one of my best friends. I ask that the defense and prosecution remember that starting tomorrow morning. Avenge my friend's death. Rusty Sneiderman was one of my best friends. He was a great man. Being a great man, he knew how to find a great woman. He did. That woman is Andrea Sneiderman. I try in my heart to honor Rusty every day through speaking out about great causes and through fundraising. I know Rusty would want me to do what I think is right at this time. And in my heart, defending my friend feels right. I'm hoping many others will too.
Andrea, I love you and I support you and I am here for you regardless of what people say about you and regardless of what people say about me for supporting you. That's how I treat my friends. That's how you've always treated your friends and I have never forgotten that and I have never forgotten our conversation at the lake.
Live your dreams and love your life!